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 Not too long ago we took our first trip to Ireland.  And prior to leaving I thought 'I wonder if I could figure out where we came from before we go' and 'Maybe stop by and visit'.  Maybe take a ridiculous selfie underneath a Flinn street sign or find postcards to send home from Flinn Island (little did we know Flinn Island is actually in Ohio, under the waters of the Miami River).  I consider myself internet savvy and mum understands all the legal documents - how hard could it be?  Famous. Last. Words.  We are now those people who drone on and on endlessly about ancestors that no one has heard of, long weekends are spent in unkept cemetaries and vacations are planned around nerdy events and library time.  Loved ones impressing upon us, "You know they're dead right?"    Well....I'm callin shenanigans!!!

The dead are only dead when we stop talking about them.

Research aside - we did go to Ireland.  We drank in pubs, enjoyed a good bit of craic, had a wee bit o Irish Coffee at 9am while shopping for Flinn Aran Sweaters (yes - there is a Flinn specific Aran Pattern), drove the Ring of Kerrry and laughed while we took some tourist-y photos next to sheep signs along the road.  Then we stood at edge of the Cliffs of Moher, mesmerized by the ocean and the boldness it must have taken to set out on a journey o so long ago.

The background photo for this website was taken by mum, along the

Ring of Kerry in southwest Ireland.  And yes - it is that green.

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